Saturday, 22 March 2008

In Bosham in the rain!

Just when I thought I might escape snow for a week or so, I'm back in the UK for one of the dampest and coldest Easters on record!

I flew into Gatwick on Thursday morning and had an interesting journey down to Sussex. After 8 months on linear Canadian highways - there's just one bend on the 150 mile road to Calgary - my insides were completely unused to the twists and turns of English country roads and I'm afraid to say I nearly didn't make it home!

That and the weather aside, it's been wonderful to be back in the UK, although I must admit I'm quite bewildered by Britain's new obsession with carrier bags and the explosion in avaliability of hessian and cotton bags from stores!

So far I've managed to do a little shopping (lots more still to do) and some of the admin I had to catch up on, but still so much more to squeeze in before I head back to Alberta in a week. I've got to deal with numerous name changes with official bodies. Of course, we left the UK two weeks after we got married and banks etc. have been demanding a visit in person or for me to post my passport, driving license, birth certificate and marriage certificate to them from Canada - as if!

Anyway, I will probably update the blog again in a week when we'll be in Calgary for the weekend, until then, happy Easter!

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