Wednesday, 27 August 2008

Autumn in the air

There is an unmistakable whiff of autumn in the air in the village this week. The days are becoming cooler, the leaves crisper and to cap it all, the ice is going down in the arena next week, ready for the hockey season to begin.

I have resisted some gentle persuasion and decided not to play hockey again this year. I have achieved my tick in the box and I remember all too well trudging out in the snow every week for games and training sessions that sometimes didn't end till 10pm, so I think I will use my time to finish off the quilt I started last winter.

Last but not least for this quick midweek update. Two video clips for you. Firstly, I put together a little video montage of our first year a few weeks ago. I've been playing around with iMovie on my Mac and the results are quite good...

And secondly, this short video clip of the rodeo last weekend. It was shot on my new gadget, a really dinky thing called a Flip. It sure beats the days of lugging round a betamax video camera!

1 comment:

  1. Good videos there Mrs Mansell. iMovie is a beautiful thing. How you getting on with Handbrake?
