Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Packing and sewing projects

We are currently in the midst of packing our possessions for shipping. The shipping assessor came on Tuesday and concluded we have 14.42 cubic metres. Our allowance is only 10.65, so we are desperately trying to squeeze things into boxes tightly before they come to collect it tomorrow.

Army life has its perks, but packing up an moving your whole life every two years, although invigorating, is also laborious.

At the same time as packing we are also selling off our remaining possessions one by one. My hair straighteners went tonight and our Ikea units go on Sunday. I keep being asked if I am selling my Norco bike, but its definitely coming with us!

In the meantime I wanted to show off a few things I have made recently. Firstly an upcycled skirt made from old bedding for my niece Millie.

Secondly, the base families organisation ran a competition recently to design a family coat of arms. I am not good at drawing, so I quilted mine and I won first prize!

The microphone symbolises my job, the sheep, where Jim and I met in the Falklands and at the bottom is his cap badge. The Latin inscription translates as "seize the beer".

And finally my french press cosy. Design (slightly modified) courtesy of House On Hill Road, which at last means and end to my husband wrapping the oven gloves round the coffee to keep it warm.

You won't be surprised to learn that I'm keeping my sewing machine back till the second shipment. I still have a few more things to make before we go!


  1. I can't imagine what a chore packing every two years would be and to decide what to take and what not. I think your coat of arms is fantastic I am sure that is something that you will want to pass down to future generations. Love the skirt too. I hope you plan to do a Cyprus blog

  2. Good Luck with the move!
